services offered

adult & GROUP therapy

Talking to a therapist can help us through current stressors & life transitions while also being a safe and reflective space to learn more about ourselves. Your therapist will seek to provide a safe, unbiased space with unconditional & non-judgmental support to help you heal and discover yourself. At Azalea, our clinicians utilize a variety of evidence-based interventions, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and other evidence-based interventions in our work together. Many of our clinicians also practice somatic or body-based therapies, including Sensorimotor Psychotherapy & EMDR.

We also provide weekly online trauma-informed DBT Group Therapy sessions.

Our therapists know that whatever techniques we use, our relationship with you is a key to the healing process as you find the support you need. We seek to hold a safe & support space for you in our work together.

therapy for healthcare professionals

We know that being a healthcare provider brings its own challenges & it can be hard to reach out for support. At Azalea, we are passionate about also helping you manage the unique challenges that come with being a healer while connecting in healthy ways to yourself and connections with others.

therapy for CHILDREN & adolescents

Child Therapy

Our children need support more than ever. We have therapists who are trained to work with children from ages 3-17. We work to help our children and families heal, communicate with each other, and learn the skills they need to become the leaders they were born to be. Our therapists commit to working with children and their support system, ensuring caregivers are a part of the process.

First steps

Call us at 734-787-5872 or email to request an appointment and see which of our therapists will be a good fit for you. We will work to schedule an appointment & intake paperwork can be easily completed online.


payment for services

We accept a number of insurances and also private pay. Cash pay fees for sessions range from $125-180. We appreciate everyone who is able to pay full fee, as it affords us opportunity to offer low-fee and pro-bono services to our community.


Your first appointment

Your first appointment will be an intake session where we will work to get to know each other & determine whether our work together will be a good fit for you. Following this intake, we will schedule appointments as recommended in your initial visit.


Private pay costs for services:

Intake - $180
1 Hour Session - $180
45 minute session - $150
30 minute session - $125
Group Therapy - $50

(Fully Licensed Clinician rate schedule)

No Surprises Act:

Aetna / Cofinity
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Blue Care Network
Blue Cross Complete
McLaren Medicaid/Healthy MI
Meridian Medicaid/Healthy MI
United Healthcare (Private, not Medicaid)

*All clinicians do not accept all insurances*

Insurance Considerations:

We will attempt to verify with your insurance company regarding coverage. If your plan covers In-Network services, you will only owe any deductible and/or copay costs at the time of service.

Payment plans can be discussed as needed – feel free to ask!

We always encourage you to ask your insurance provider questions to help determine your benefits – you can often find the information to call on the back of your card.

Are Mental Health services covered? Do I need a referral?

  • What are the online or tele-health benefits and do I have to use a specific online platform to obtain online treatment or can I see any provider?

  • Do I have a deductible, has it been met, and do mental health services fall under the deductible?

  • Is there a limit to the number of sessions authorized per calendar year?


consultation & peer support

Consultation and Peer Support are essential to our work with others. We offer private consultation services and group case consultations along with peer support groups.

Clinical supervision

Clinical Supervision for Social Workers with LLMSW & LLBSW licenses